Extensions and workarounds are no longer needed. In both series the clock face becomes smashed during the course of events.Edit: As of Inkscape 0.91, markers take the color of the object. This lair is the clock tower of a high building providing a perfect view across Metropolis, this building and clock tower are similar to the Canary's hideout in Arrow season 2 which she picked for similar reasons. Watchtower is not only Chloe's codename in Smallville but is also the codename for her base of operations which also serves as the teams lair. In both series Oliver Queen and the tech wiz have a relationship though in Arrow the relationship fails, Smallville's Oliver marries Chloe and has a son. Their codenames are also so similar that it is a possible homage to Smallville. The teams in both series have a female computer wiz who acts as a 'control tower' providing tech back up- Felicity Smoak/Overwatch in Arrow and Chloe Sullivan/Watchtower in Smallville. In Arrow, Team Arrow includes in varying degrees the Flash, and two versions of Black Canary. Members of this team (a fledgling Justice League) include Black Canary and Bart Allen (in comic lore, a relative of Barry Allen who also carried the Flash mantle), who doesn't yet use the name Flash. In Smallville Clark Kent allies himself with a superhero team formed by Oliver Queen/Green Arrow. This series parallels another CW superhero origin story, Smallville (2001) in a number of ways.

The showrunners have also acknowledged the huge popularity of Amell's shirtless scenes and vowed that the show will feature such scenes throughout its run. He said, "Me being shirtless isn't the only element that's made it successful, but it is certainly part of the total equation and I'd be silly to think that it is not." While at Comic-con 2014 to promote the upcoming season of the show, he famously lifted his shirt to show off his abs to the audience getting thunderous applause from the packed auditorium Hall H. While admitting that it required a huge effort for him, Amell said he had no problem in flaunting his physique because it contributed to the show's popularity. Amell's abs also became the focus of all marketing and promotion as he was always featured shirtless on the posters and all promo material, stills and trailers always contained shots of Amell shirtless.

Creator and showrunner Marc Guggenheim called this strategy "absposition" - dumping huge chunks of exposition on the audience while Amell shows of his abs. Such was the Internet buzz created by Amell's superhero physique that the producers added numerous shirtless scenes to nearly every episode of the first season. The pilot contained an intense and lengthy workout sequence with Amell shirtless that went viral. The show is notorious for the frequent shirtless scenes of lead star Stephen Amell.